ONYX Workflow  

Your workflow is the process an image follows from the original file to the printed job. RIP-Queue uses many different ways to reach those results, and although the end result is a printed image, your actual workflow depends on the type of printer, desired output, and the image itself.


The most basic workflow is opening an image and printing. Of course, the actual process is much more intricate and detailed. Before you can print an image, you need to provide specific information to RIP-Queue about how the image should be printed. This information, known as JobClosed Settings, determines how an image is printed.


Following is a brief description of the basic steps in a simple workflow. Your workflow may or may not include every step, but most workflows will follow a similar path.


ClosedOriginal Image File:


ClosedImages with settings become Jobs:


ClosedProcessing Jobs:


ClosedReady to Print:


ClosedPrinting Jobs:


ClosedReprinting Jobs: